Breaking The Silence

Greetings and thanks for taking time out of your busy day. Epilepsy is, unfortunately, a condition that is left in the closet because people that have the affliction like myself are afraid to speak about it. We at times are confronted with ignorant statements and comments from people on the subject that are not educated and therefore, makes us more afraid to speak about "the monster inside." Even our family and friends tend to not be informed because it is considered taboo. The amazing thing about epilepsy is that most seizures look ten times worse than is actually happening.
I do hope I can assist you and your loved ones any way I can. I have had this my entire life and feel the urgency to be a voice for others in assisting them in getting the word out. We are normal, too. Thanks and God Bless.
Please know that I am NOT a medical doctor (Even though I do not believe in Western Medicine) and that all of the writings on my blog are either from my fifty-plus years of personal experiences with epilepsy and or opinions on why doctors do what they do. I have also posted personal stories and excerpts from friends and others who have written articles on epilepsy from their own personal life-experiences.
I do hope I can assist you and your loved ones any way I can. I have had this my entire life and feel the urgency to be a voice for others in assisting them in getting the word out. We are normal, too. Thanks and God Bless.
Please know that I am NOT a medical doctor (Even though I do not believe in Western Medicine) and that all of the writings on my blog are either from my fifty-plus years of personal experiences with epilepsy and or opinions on why doctors do what they do. I have also posted personal stories and excerpts from friends and others who have written articles on epilepsy from their own personal life-experiences.